· October 01, 2015 · Workers · 0 comments


© Jesus Emmanuel

Olga Mejias

Natural Design, 2267 Jerome Ave, Bronx NY

Olga Mejias, 27-year-old Nuyorican, working on a pedicure at Natural Design, located on 2267 Jerome Avenue. Olga has-been working for two months At this nail salon as a nail technician. Connecticut and Upstate New York Her clients travel from New Jersey.

“I’ve been working here for two months, before working at a McDonalds but already removed.’ve Been doing nails from fourteen, not just what I do here, so I do it from the house or else go home customer. To my I like working here for clients coming from all sides. Jerome Ave. is a little better but you have to change it because there are still many violators joloperos and night. Before you saw prostitutes, but no longer are, they are more Hunts Point. If this area changes would be charged a little more, exchange buildings and put them elevators. “

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